Latest Updates on IISER 2025
Details of IISER Aptitude Test (IAT)
IAT 2025 will be held on Sunday, May 25, 2025 at 9:00 AM.
അഡ്മിഷൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന വിദ്യാർത്ഥികൾക്ക് മാർച്ച് 10 മുതൽ ഏപ്രിൽ 15 വരെ അപേക്ഷിക്കാം.
Applications are to be submitted online
Information Brochure
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Admission Process
Eligibility Criteria
Fee Details
Important Dates
5-Year BS-MS (Dual Degree) Programs (AII IISERS)
5-Year BS-MS (Dual Degree) Program in Computational and Data Sciences (at IISER Kolkata only)
4-Year BS Program in Economic Sciences (at IISER Bhopal only)
4-Year B. Tech. Program (at IISER Bhopal only)
4-Year BS Program in Economic and Statistical Sciences (at IISER Tirupati only)
Curricula distributed in breadth and depth with an opportunity to learn subjects from internationally reputed academics
Candidates choose their specialization only after exploring different subjects
Exposure to the frontline research areas at the world-class Laboratories/research groups
Research internships and year-long research projects leading to MS thesis with opportunities for interdisciplinary research
Fully residential campuses with well-equipped hostels and medical facilities
Opportunities for sports, cultural, and other extracurricular activities for holistic development
Performance Criteria in Class XII (or equivalent examination)
Candidates whose Class XII (or equivalent) examination results have not yet been declared can apply for IAT 2025. However, their admission will be subject to fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria given above.
For candidates who had appeared in the Class XII (or equivalent) examination for the first time in 2024 and reappeared in any subject (for whatever reason) in 2025, the better of two performances will be considered.
If a board gives aggregate marks considering both Class XI and Class XII, then only Class XII (or equivalent) examination marks will be considered. If a board gives aggregate marks considering the results of all three years of a 3-year diploma or courses of equivalent duration, then only the marks scored in the final year will be considered. Similarly, the marks scored in the final two semesters will be considered for boards that follow a semester system.
If a board awards only letter grades without providing an equivalent percentage of marks on the grade-sheet, the candidate should obtain a certificate from the board specifying the equivalent marks and submit it before the deadline of the mark-sheet submission. In case the board does not provide such a certificate, the percentage marks will be assessed as follows:
Percentage marks = (CGPA or CPI obtained × 100) / PS
where PS is the maximum value of the point scale used by the respective board.
Reservation Policy
Reservation policies as mandated by the Govt. of India will apply
Scheduled Caste (SC) - 15% of seats
Scheduled Tribe (ST) - 7.5% of seats
Other Backward Classes belonging to the Non-Creamy Layer (OBC-NCL) - 27% of seats
Persons with Disability (PwD) with at least 40% impairment - 5% of seats (horizontal, within the same category)
Kashmiri Migrants/Kashmiri Pandit/Kashmiri Hindu Families (Non-Migrants) - 3 seats per IISER (supernumerary)
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) - up to 10% (as per Government of India rules)
Note that the EWS/OBC-NCL certificate should be issued on or after April 01, 2025
Previous years' question papers
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