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à´Žà´²്à´²ാ സർക്à´•ാർ à´œീവനക്à´•ാà´°ും 2024-25 കലണ്ടർ വർഷത്à´¤െ à´¸്വത്à´¤് à´µിവര പത്à´°ിà´•(Property
Statement) 2025 ജനുവരി 15à´¨് à´®ുà´®്à´ªാà´¯ി SPARK à´®ുà´–േà´¨ ഓൺലൈà´¨ാà´¯ി
Latest Circular 2024
Help File Annual Property Returns Filing through Spark.
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à´ª്à´°ോà´ª്à´ªെർട്à´Ÿി à´¸്à´±്à´±േà´±്à´±്à´®െà´¨്à´±് ഫയൽ à´šെà´¯്à´¯ുà´¨്നതിà´¨് ഇപ്à´ªോൾ à´¸്à´ªാർക്à´•്
à´µെà´¬്à´¸െà´±്à´±് സജ്ജമാà´¯ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതാà´£്.
ഹയർസെà´•്കൻഡറി à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകർക്à´•് ഇപ്à´ªോൾ à´¸്à´ªാർക്à´•് Individual à´²ോà´—ിà´¨ിൽ
Annual Property Statement സമർപ്à´ªിà´•്à´•ാൻ à´•à´´ിà´¯ുà´¨്à´¨ുà´£്à´Ÿ്
à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് à´¸്à´•ൂൾ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകർ സമർപ്à´ªിà´•്à´•േà´£്à´Ÿà´¤ിà´²്à´² à´Žà´¨്à´¨ാà´£് à´…à´±ിà´ž്à´ž à´µിവരം
à´Žà´²്à´²ാ à´¡ി.à´¡ി.ഇമാà´°ും à´ª്à´°à´¤്à´¯േà´•ം à´¶്à´°à´¦്à´§ിà´•്à´•േà´£്à´Ÿà´¤ാà´£്. ഇനിà´¯ും
സമർപ്à´ªിà´•്à´•ുà´µാà´¨ുà´³്ളവർ സമയപരിà´§ിà´•്à´•ുà´³്à´³ിൽ Annual Property Statement
As per Rule 37 and Amendment Rule 2010 of Kerala Govt Servants' Conduct Rules 1960, all employees apart from Part-time contingent servants are
obliged to submit the annual movable or immovable property
statement before 15th January of each year
à´Žà´¯്à´¡à´¡് à´¸്à´•ൂൾ à´…à´§്à´¯ാപകർക്à´•് ഉള്à´³ Conduct Rules KER Chapter XIVC ൽ
ആണ് à´°േà´–à´ª്à´ªെà´Ÿുà´¤്à´¤ിà´¯ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നത്
Spark Individual Login
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Service matters–Property Returns à´Žà´¨്à´¨ à´“à´ª്ഷൻ വഴിà´¯ോ
Administration–Property Returns–Property Returns à´Žà´¨്à´¨ à´“à´ª്ഷൻ
വഴിà´¯ോ ആണ്
à´¸്വത്à´¤ു à´µിവരങ്ങളുà´Ÿെ à´¸്à´±്à´±േà´±്à´±്à´®െà´¨്à´±്
To file your property returns, simply navigate to the 'profile' menu
and select 'property returns'. You will be provided with the required
instructions on your screen. Property returns is a
straightforward 4-step procedure, which is outlined
Part 1: [ General Details ]
1. Details of Employee
2. Details of Property
Part I Details need to be filled in accurately, after which the
'Confirm' button can be clicked. Make sure you check the details and
tick the declaration box before completing this step.
Part II [ Immovable ]
If Part II (Immovable) details are applicable, the required details
must be filled in. Once the declaration is accepted, the 'Confirm'
button must be clicked to save and continue.
Part III [ Movable ]
If you have any movable part details, enter them in Part 3.
When you're ready, accept the declaration and click the 'Confirm'
button to save your entered information.
Part IV Generate Acknowledgement
Enter Generate Acknowledgement. This feature allows you to print the
acknowledgment for your property returns. You can modify sections I,
II, and III before generating the acknowledgment; however, no
changes can be made after obtaining it. Additionally, the filing
authorities have access to employee information that has been
submitted at any point in time.
Thanks for your response