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Paperless Salary Bill submission Instructions
✓Govt given permission to
the DDOs of all Government Departments,including Aided institutions,only to e-submit the digitally signed SPARK bills for the salary claim of 3/2020,04/2020,06/2020,07/2020 without submission of any signed hard copy of the outer/inner/schedules of the same to treasuries subject to the following conditions
✓This is only an adhoc arrangement for submission of 3/2020,04/2020,06/2020,07/2020 salary bills
✓DDOs would ensure that the copies of the inner/outer bills downloaded from SPARK are to be e-mailed to the treasuries concerned
✓The file names of such attachments should be the 10 digit "DDO code" and the subject of the e-mail as "salary bill for 7/2020-DDO code". for easy identification by Treasury officials.
✓Countersignature of bills for 3/2020,04/2020,05/2020,06/2020,07/2020 in the case of aided institutions is also not required.
Thanks for your response