Onam Advance/Allowance/Bonus 2024-Govt Order-Proceedings-Help files


Onam Advance/Allowance/Bonus Govt Order 2024

Onam Allowance/Bonus GO 2024
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Onam Advance GO-2024
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🔸Rs.37129/- à´¨് à´®ുà´•à´³ിൽ ആകെ വരുà´®ാനമുà´³്à´³ റഗുലർ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•ു à´‰à´¤്സവബത്à´¤(2750/-) ലഭിà´•്à´•ുà´¨്നതാà´£്

🔸ഈ വർഷത്à´¤െ à´«െà´¸്à´±്à´±ിവൽ അലവൻസ് (09-09-2024 à´®ുതൽ à´Ÿ്à´°à´·à´±ിà´¯ിൽ à´®ാà´±ി നൽകുà´¨്നതാà´£്. 2025 à´®ാർച്à´š് 31 വരെ à´«െà´¸്à´±്à´±ിവൽ അലവൻസ് à´®ാà´±ി നൽകാà´µുà´¨്നതാà´£്.

🔸2024 à´®ാർച്à´š് 31à´¨് 34700 à´°ൂà´ª à´…à´Ÿിà´¸്à´¥ാà´¨ ശമ്പളമുà´³്à´³ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് à´¬ോണസ് (Rs 4000/-)ലഭിà´•്à´•ും. (34700+7%DA@2429=37129)
(à´…à´¤ായത് à´…à´Ÿിà´¸്à´¥ാà´¨ ശമ്പളവും 7 ശതമാà´¨ം DA à´¯ും à´šേർന്à´¨് ആകെ 37129 à´°ൂà´ª വരെ ആകെ വരുà´®ാà´¨ം വരുà´¨്നവർക്à´•ാà´¯ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ും à´¬ോണസ് à´•ിà´Ÿ്à´Ÿുà´•)

🔸31-03-2024  à´¨് സർവീà´¸ിൽ ഉള്ളതും 2023-24 à´¸ാà´®്പത്à´¤ികവർഷത്à´¤ിൽ 6 à´®ാസമെà´™്à´•ിà´²ും à´¤ുടർച്à´šà´¯ാà´¯ി സർവീà´¸് ഉള്à´³ à´œീവനക്à´•ാർക്à´•് à´®ാà´¤്à´°à´®േ à´¬ോണസ്à´¸ിà´¨ും ഉത്സവബത്തക്à´•ും അർഹതയുà´£്à´Ÿാà´¯ിà´°ിà´•്à´•à´•à´¯ുà´³്à´³ൂ.

🔸ദിവസ à´µേതനക്à´•ാർക്à´•ും à´‰à´¤്സവബത്തയ്à´•്à´•് അർഹതയുà´£്à´Ÿ് 
à´’à´¨്à´¨ാം ഓണത്à´¤ിà´¨ുà´®ുà´®്à´ª് (14.09.2024) à´¸േവനത്à´¤ിൽ ഉണ്à´Ÿാà´¯ിà´°ിà´•്à´•ുà´•à´¯ും à´¨ാà´²ാം ഓണത്à´¤ിà´¨ുà´®ുà´®്à´ª് (17.09.2024) à´¸േവനത്à´¤ിൽ à´¨ിà´¨്à´¨ും à´¨ീà´•്à´•ം à´šെà´¯്à´¯ാà´¨ിà´Ÿà´¯ിà´²്à´²ാà´¤്തതുà´®ാà´¯ à´Žംà´ª്à´²ോയമെà´¨്à´±്à´±് à´Žà´•്സചേà´ž്à´š് à´®ുà´–േà´¨െ à´¨ിയമിതരായവർ ഉൾപ്à´ªെà´Ÿെà´¯ുà´³്à´³ à´¦ിവസവേതനാà´Ÿിà´¸്à´¥ാനത്à´¤ിà´²ുളള à´œീവനക്à´•ാർ 1210 à´°ൂà´ª à´¨ിà´°à´•്à´•ിൽ ഉത്സവബത്തയ്à´•്à´•് അർഹരാà´£്.

NB:-Advance/Bonus/Allowance à´¬ിà´²്à´²ുകൾ à´°à´£്à´Ÿ് à´•ോà´ª്à´ªി(Aided School)à´Ÿ്à´°à´·à´±ിà´¯ിൽ à´¹ാജരാà´•്à´•à´£ം.... 

Menus in Spark

Bill Processing - Festival  Advance / Allowance/Bonus has been enabled

Onam Advance
1. Salary Matters - Processing - Onam/Fest.Advance - Onam/Fest. Advance Processing
2. Salary Matters - Processing - Onam/Fest.Advance -Onam/Fest. Advance Bill Generation

Festival Allowance
1. Salary Matters - Processing - Festival Allowance - Festival Allowance Calculation
2. Salary Matters - Processing - Festival Allowance - Festival Allowance Bill

Festival Allowance - Retired
1. Salary Matters - Processing - Festival Allowance - Festival Allowance Calculation(Retired)
2. Salary Matters - Processing - Festival Allowance - Festival Allowance Bill

1. Salary Matters - Processing - Bonus - Bonus Calculation
2. Salary Matters - Processing - Bonus - Bonus Bill

Bonus - Retired
1. Salary Matters - Processing - Bonus - Bonus Calculation(Retired)
2. Salary Matters - Processing - Bonus - Bonus Bill

Daily Wage Festival Allowance Bill Processing
Accounts - Claim Entry - Regular/Employees with SPARK ID
Nature of Claim : Festival Allowance for Employees with SPARK ID
Period of Bill : From 01/09/2024
Month : 09
Year : 2024
Sanction No : G.O.(P)No.78/2024/Fin
Sanction Date : 06/09/2024

Festtival Allowance = 1210

Onam Advance GO-2024
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Menus in Spark

Bonus, Festival Allowance, Festival Advance Processing in SPARK-By Manesh Kumar E
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Onam Allowance-Bonus Bill Processing help video
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Bonus Processing Help File
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Festival Allowance Processing Help File
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Festival Advance  Processing Help File
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Onam Advance/Festival Allowance Proceedings

Onam Advance Sample Excel file
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Festival Advance Proceedings [Editable Format Doc]
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Onam Allowance/Bonus Sample Excel file
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Onam Advance/Festival Allowance and Bonus Bill Certificate 

Onam Advance Bill :- 
Certify that the Onam Advance bill prepared as per the Order No. G.O.(P)No.77/2024/Fin date. 06-09-2024 , It will be recovered in five equal installments from October 2024 salary onwards and The amount claimed in this bill has not been drawn previously.

Onam Allowance Bill  :- 
Certify that the Special Onam Allowance bill prepared as per the Order No. G.O.(P)No.78/2024/Fin date. 06-09-2024  and The amount claimed in this bill has not been drawn previously

Ad-HOC Bonus Bill  :- 
Certify that the Ad-HOC Bonus Bill prepared as per the Order No. G.O.(P)No.78/2024/Fin date. 06-09-2024 , they are in permanent Govt Service on 31/03/2024 and having a continues service Six Months or more during the year 2023-24 and The amount Claimed in This Bill has Not been drawn previously

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